About Scouting

About the History of Scouting in Canada

Scouting began in 1907 when Lt. Gen. Robert Baden-Powell took a group of youth to a camp on Brownsea Island in the United Kingdom. There is evidence that a few scouting groups started up in Canada as early as the year 1907. The Canadian General Council of the Boy Scout Association was incorporated by an act of Parliament on June 12, 1914.

Today Scouts Canada is a diverse organization that represents every faith and culture in Canada. Scouts Canada offers programs in more than 19 languages, reflecting Canada's multicultural landscape and communities.

About Scouts Canada:

With more than 100,000 members, Scouts Canada is the nation's premier youth-serving organization.
With every new member, with every camp and community project, Scouts Canada makes one simple promise to Canadian youth, parents and society:

Scouts have fun adventures discovering new things and experiences that they wouldn't discover elsewhere. Along the way, they develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world. Scouts is the start of something great.
Scout's Canada's national office is located in Ottawa. Scouts Canada is a not-for-profit organization (Charitable Registration No. 10776 1694 RR0028) and a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

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